Welcome to Never Without, Childcare Nanny Services! Founded by Sonya Griffin in August 2018. As a passionate entrepreneur with a deep love for travel and spending quality time with family and friends, Sonya embarked on a journey to create a premier luxury nanny service catering to the Chicagoland and surrounding suburbs, LA, and Nashville regions. Our mission goes beyond providing exceptional childcare; it's about enriching the lives of both children and families. At Never Without, we adore and love your children as if they were our own, ensuring their safety, happiness, and development are our top priorities.

Sonya's vision for the future is to not only expand our reach to more cities but also open her own surrogate agency, offering even more comprehensive family services. We believe in the power of making a positive and lasting impact on a child's life, witnessing their growth, development, and contributing to their character and values.

For a full list of our services, please visit our Services Page and join us on this remarkable journey of nurturing the future generation with love and excellence.